According to a memo sent to us, the cut-off for Universities has been fixed to 180 while that for Polytechnics and Colleges of Education have been fixed to 160.
Announcing the cut-off today, it is important to note that these are the benchmark cut-offs. This simply means that NO UNIVERSITY CAN CUT BELOW 180 and NO POLYTECHNIC OR COLLEGE OF EDUCATION CAN CUT BELOW 160. That is, for any student to gain admission into any Nigerian University, they must score 180 and above. This announcement also confirms that all candidates who scored 159 and below cannot gain admission genuinely into any institution this 2012/2013 session and would need to re-write Jamb's UTME.
Even with the announcement of the cut-off by Jamb, each Institution reserves the right to set a cut off higher than the benchmark but not lower. This means that as usual, most Federal Universities will cut 200 and in the same light, most Federal Polytechnics will cut 180.
We, Naijaloaded, therefore advise candidates to watch out for our original, regular, up-to-date and detailed information of respective institutions as they will fix their individual cut-off. We, however, expect most of the cut-offs to revolve around the benchmark, since most institutions will want as much as to pay and write their post-utme exam.
With the announcement of these cut-offs, all Universities have been empowered to officially begin post-UTME. Post-UTME Planning committees in various institutions will begin publishing and sending modalities for the conduct of the exam in their respective institutions to us.
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For possible cut-off for different schools, click HERE
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