
Saturday, June 16, 2012

Dear MTA readers: Should I tell or not?

 I live in the US now but I lived the first 18years of my life in Naija. I'm 20 now and I live with my sister who is 10 years older than I am. It's just the two of us my mother has and I love my sister very much. She filed papers to have me here in the states and I live under her roof and don't pay any bills. Her husband is a traveling business man from naija too and he is the best man you would ever meet. He's so good to my family, a good Christian and he hardly ever raises his voice or gets mad. 
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You know them mellow and calm people?? That's him! I love and respect him like I would my father cos he's like 10 years older than my sister. He cleans when he's home, takes care of his children (they have three) and he gives my sister and me lots of money. My sister on the other hand I totally adore too. She's a free spirit and very generous but she's a party animal ooo! She loves to go to parties and smoke and drink. Though she doesn't do this at home, just outside. She's real vain and temperamental too but she's my sister and I love her that way.  Ok the point to my story is I found out she's cheating on her husband with a guy like three or four years younger than her. At first I thought he was her friend but then I started seeing text messages and frequent calls. This guy would call and shed live everything and fly over to him. He's still in college(I no he's old sha but na condition)! I still tried to ignore it but then I saw a letter she was writing. In it she professed her love and undying support and bashed her husband as old and an idiot and that she will divorce him and get half his money and property in years to come so they can be together. She also wrote that she loves the oral sex and anal sex he (the bf) gives her the best. My mind was blown and it broke to pieces. I was appalled and disgusted at my sister, a woman with 3 kids damnit! Now her husband has bin the best thing to happen to my family and I live with them and I will testify in a court of law that he has not done anything to warrant this kind of treatment. Im torn! I really want to tell him what my sister is doing... But she's my sister and that would be betrayal right??? But her husband has never laid a hand on her or argued with her with harsh words or slacked as a provider so I owe him the truth now right??? I know you are going to say talk to my parents but my sister is a golden child to them. She can't do no wrong in their eyes... This could give my mother a heart attack... Also if I tell my sister what I know she could threaten me and throw me out and I have no where else to stay or a job to survive on. Please tell me what to do cos I'm slowly going crazy and I am beginning to resent my sister. Thank you guys.

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